2.4 Armatura antyskażeniowa
2.4.1 BA - Izolatory przepływu zwrotnego | ||
1. |
Backflow preventer compact construction with threaded connectors, BA295
Backflow preventers of this type are suitable for the protection of drinking water systems against back pressure, back flow and back syphonage.
They can be used for residential buildings, industrial and commercial purposes within the scope of...
2. |
BA295S-LFA - Izolator przepływu zwrotnego z obniżoną strefą ciśnienia z możliwością nadzoru ( bezołowiowe) Izolatory przepływu zwrotnego z obniżoną strefą ciśnienia BA295S-LFA ( bezołowiowe) służą do ochrony systemów wody pitnej przed możliwością skażenia spowodowaną zalewarowaniem zwrotnym lub ciśnieniowym przepływem zwrotnym. Izolatory BA295S...
3. |
Stainless Steel Backflow Preventer, BA295I
Backflow preventers of this type are suitable for the protection of drinking water systems against back pressure, back flow and back syphonage.
They can be used for residential buildings, industrial and commercial purposes within the scope of their...
4. |
Backflow Preventer for standpipes, BA295STN-C
Backflow preventers of this type are suitable for the protection of drinking water systems against back pressure, back flow and back syphonage.
They are used to protect the temporary water tapping of standpipes on events or construction sites.
5. |
Reduced-pressure-zone backflow preventer with flange connections - Industrial model, BA298I-F
Backflow preventers of this type are suitable for the protection of drinking water systems against back pressure, back flow and back syphonage. Fluids up to and including liquid category 4 to EN 1717 are protected.
They can be used for residential...
6. |
BA300 Izolator przepływu zwrotnego, kołnierzowy Izolator przepływu BA298 stosowany jest w celu ochrony instalacji wody pitnej przed zwrotnym przepływem, ciśnieniem lub zalewarowaniem. Izolator zapewnia ochronę cieczy do 4 kategorii włącznie wg EN 1717. Odpowiada to konstrukcji typu 2 wg normy...
2.4.2 CA - Izolatory przepływu zwrotnego | ||
7. |
Backflow preventer compact construction with threaded connectors, CA295
Backflow preventers are suitable for the protection of drinking water systems against back pressure, back flow and back syphonage. Fluids up to and including liquid category 3 to EN 1717 are protected.
2.4.3 GA - Rozłączniki bezpośredniego działania | ||
8. |
Mechanical disconnector with union connectors direct actuated, GA type according to EN1717 / type 1 according to DIN1988 part 4, R295
Mechanical disconnectors of this type are suitable for the protection of drinking water systems as required by EN 1717 "The technical regulation of drinking water systems" and correspond to DIN1988 part 4 type 1 construction.
Their purpose...
9. |
Mechanical disconnector with flanges direct actuated, GB type according to EN 1717/ type 1 according to DIN1988 part 4, R295P-F
Mechanical disconnectors of this type are suitable for the protection of drinking water systems as required by EN 1717 "The technical regulation of drinking water systems" and correspond to DIN1988 part 4 type 1 construction.
Their purpose...
2.4.4 GB - Rozłączniki hydraulicznego działania | ||
10. |
Mechanical disconnector hydraulic actuated, GB type according to EN1717/ type 2 according to DIN1988 part 4, R295H
Mechanical disconnectors of this type are suitable for the protection of drinking water systems as required by EN 1717 "The technical regulation of drinking water systems" and correspond to DIN1988 part 4 type 2 construction.
Their purpose...
11. |
Mechanical disconnector hydraulic actuated, GB type according to EN 1717/ type 2 according to DIN1988 part 4, R295HP-F
Mechanical disconnectors of this type are suitable for the protection of drinking water systems as required by EN 1717 "The technical regulation of drinking water systems" and correspond to DIN1988 part 4 type 2 construction.
Their purpose...
12. |
Mechanical disconnector electrically actuated, GB type according to EN 1717/ type 2 according to DIN1988 part 4, R295SA
Mechanical disconnectors of this type are suitable for the protection of drinking water systems as required by EN 1717 "The technical regulation of drinking water systems".
Their purpose is to protect systems against back pressure, back flow...
13. |
Mechanical disconnector electrically actuated, GB type according to EN 1717/ type 2 according to DIN1988 part 4, R295SP-F
Mechanical disconnectors of this type are suitable for the protection of drinking water systems as required by EN 1717 "The technical regulation of drinking water systems" and correspond to DIN1988 part 4 type 2 construction.
Their purpose...
2.4.5 EA - Zawory zwrotne antyskażeniowe | ||
14. |
Controllable anti-pollution check valve EA type, add-on for pressure reducing valves and filters, RV277
Check valves of this type are particularly suitable for integral use with pressure reducing valves, filters and filter combinations of all types. Check valves are safety devices for independent prevention of water backflow, for example from...
15. |
Controllable anti-pollution check valve EA type with internal thread, RV280
Check valves of this type are for use as an independent means of preventing reverse water flow. They can also be used for industrial, commercial and similar systems where back pressure, back flow and back syphonage must be prevented. The classicfications...
16. |
Controllable anti-pollution check valve EA type with union connectors, RV281
Check valves of this type are for use as an independent means of preventing reverse water flow and for installing directly after a water meter on central water supply systems. They can also be used for industrial, commercial and similar...
17. |
EA-RV283S Zawór zwrotny antyskażeniowy z możliwością nadzoru, kołnierzowy Zawór zwrotny RV283S stosowany jest w instalacjach przemysłowych, użyteczności publicznej i innych, które muszą być zabezpieczone przed zwrotnym przepływem, ciśnieniem lub zalewarowaniem. Zawór ten chroni przed przepływem wstecznym np. z urządzeń...
18. |
Controllable anti-pollution check valve EA type, RV284 Check valves of this type are for use as an independent means of preventing reverse water flow. They can also be used for industrial, commercial and similar systems where back pressure, back flow and back syphonage must be prevented. The classicfications...